Thursday, 18 November 2010

Film editing

This is the first edit of my footage. I incorporated the music at the beginning which I think builds tension and foreshadows danger.
The clip of the mother saying 'bye' is not edited well - I will change this. I incorporated a sound effect on the closing door emphasising the fact that the girl is not alone in her house. The cross dissolve slide transition fading into the text is effective I think, although I need to make the font bigger! The clip of the teenagers in the lounge may be too long ad tedious, so I will shorten this. The non diegetic sound, the music, may last too long as I think I need to use more jumpy music closer to the beginning. The sudden jump cut to a close up of the killer at the window is effective I think, and the non diegetic sound effect shocks the audience further. However, I may need to lengthen this clip to maximise the effect on the audience. I need to include a voice over of the killer's voice on the phone! There are many other improvements I plan to make, but this is a start.

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